Impress 2022

25 October, 2022 - 28 October, 2022
Matchmaking Promotion

Energy efficient usage is the key issue for the challenging decarbonizing goals in the following 20 years. Renewable energy technologies are intensive in materials, meaning that a lot of research and innovation is needed to achieve sustainable solutions to the energy transition. The importance of development of innovative energy materials and processes is well recognized for efficient energy systems. Moreover, energy storage is a key enabling technology in order to the industry to meet these ambitious goals.

The Sixth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems (IMPRES2022) is organized in this format to foster networking and to share new concepts and new ideas for the innovative materials and processes in energy systems.

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Organized by Universitat de Barcelona and DIOPMA, in collaboration with XRE4S, Red TEC and Laboratory for Zero-carbon Energy.