The Mentorship program consists of a mentorship service to boost the impact of technology assets developed by researchers, approaching their technology to the market and giving them support to develop their commercialization strategies. These selected technologies will receive an adaptable guidance and support of a mentor with a long professional experience in business.
The mentoring service can address the following categories according to the needs and priorities of the researchers like:
- Initial technology and market assessment: value’s proposition creation, value’s chain characterization, identification of the potential players, market research or similar.
- Customer discovery: market validation on the basis of previously designed hypotheses.
- Commercialization strategy and exploitation models of the technology
- Support on spin-off creation
The final mentorship plan will be designed according to the needs of each technology detected by the researchers and TTO’s. The plan will be designed by the mentors and validated by TTO’s and XRE4S.
The mentorship plan will include the objectives to be achieved and the number of sessions for each technology. The number of sessions per technology will vary according to the detected needs.
Up to 5 research individuals or teams can participate in the mentorship program The mentorship sessions hours will be spread from June to November 2022 according to the mentorship plan.
Call opens: 27 April 2022
Call closes: 12 May 2022
You can find more information on the 2022_XRE4S_Call_Mentorship.