Yesterday, we held a webinar (in Catalan) to present to the industry the latest advances in research in the field of circular economy in energy, food and maritime sectors . The event was co-organized together with XIA, the Network of Food Innovation, and BlueNetCat, the Catalan Network for Blue Innovation.
Two members of the XRE4S network, two members of the XIA network and two members of the BlueNetCat network, including centres such as ICN2, University of Lleida, University of Vic, University of Rovira i Virgil, IRTA and IREC, presented their specific solutions to boost the circular economy in the three sectors.
It was a joint session organized between the three networks and with the collaboration of CEEC, the Cluster of Efficient Energy of Catalonia; CBC, the Cluster of Bioenergy of Catalonia; Food Service Cluster, and Acuiplus Cluster, the Aquaculture Cluster, with the aim of transferring knowledge to the productive sector.
You may find the complete session on our YouTube channel
The details of the program and the presentations (soon) can be found in the following (text in Catalan- not translated):
12.00 Benvinguda per part dels organitzadors
Marta Fonrodona, Directora de la XRE4S
Josep Pascual, Promotor de la XIA
Pablo Bou, Promotor de la BlueNetCat
12.10-13.10 Presentació de solucions tecnòlogiques en economia circular
Modera: Joana Tarrés, Promotora de la XRE4S
12.10 Victor Ferreira (IREC/XRE4S) “La importància de l’economia circular per allargar la vida dels materials clau per a la transició energètica”
Presentació: 1-IREC-Victor Ferreira_XRE4S
12.20 Amador Pérez-Tomas (ICN2/XRE4S) “Fotosíntesi artificial per a la captura de CO2”
Presentació: 2-ICN2_AmadorPerez_XRE4S
12.30 Pedro Elez Martínez (UdL/XIA) “Desenvolupament de nous ingredients alimentaris: Valorització de co- i sub-productes de la indústria alimentària mitjançant tecnologies avançades de processat”
12.40 Laura Mejias (UVIC/XIA) “Estratègies per impulsar la transició de la indústria càrnica a la bioeconomia circular: Valorització i tractament d’aigües residuals i residus”
Presentació: 4-UVic-Laura Mejias_XIA
12.50 Ioanis Katakis (URV/BlueNetCat) “Ús de microalgues pel tractament d’aigües residuals”
Presentació: 5-URV_IoanisKatakis_BlueNetCat
13.00 Alicia Estévez (IRTA/BlueNetCat) “Residus de la indústria cervesera i de conserves en pinsos per aqüicultura”
Presentació: 6-IRTA_AliciaEstevez_BlueNetCat
13.10 Clausura de l’esdeveniment