The second phase of the Lab-to-Market (L2M) program started at the end of November 2020. The goal of this phase is to design a valorization strategy for the technologies of the XRE4S network that have been selected in the 1st stage of the L2M programme. It consists in a deep dive in the technology IP protection strategy and market potential, including tasks such as a market analysis and technology feasibility, a detailed study of the IP protection strategy, a business model and commercialization advise and a final report and valorisation strategy recommendations.
I-deals is the consulting company specialized in the energy transition that will assess the members of the XRE4S in capturing the market opportunities and exploting them.
The Lab to Market (L2M) is the programme specifically created by the XRE4S that aims to increase the market penetration of technologies developed by the members of XRE4S. The members participating in this phase are UdG, ICMAB, IREC and UdL.
More details for participation in future calls can be found at: